Chinese writing meaning Shay Fu


805.819.0813 / Email

Michelle Schaefer, CAS



in your home, business & office


with your own personal style


to get the most out of your space

Why Call For A Consultation?


Often you know when something about your space needs to be changed, but you don’t know what. Let me assist you to discover what you want to change and how to go about doing it


Your ways of shaping an area are as unique as your dreams, so allow me to co-create with you a more comfortable and sacred home or office.


As you enhance your awareness of your environment and how you’ve shaped it, you’ll find similar dynamics at work in many other areas of your life. This awareness will help you go forward and make changes that are in alignment with what you want, not simply in alignment with outdated pattern or default.


I was amazed with how working with what I already had, we were able to make simple alterations which created such powerful changes in my home.

A.M. , Computer Specialist

Michelle’s Feng Shui and decorating ideas and concepts were more complete and more sensitive to ‘who we are’ and ‘how we use our space’ than any interior decorators we’ve used in the past. She was sensitive, supportive, and respectful of our personal tastes. We felt gently guided into a more harmonious living space and we can feel the effects of her work in our daily lives.

B.B. Psychotherapist, J.B. Chiropractor

Michelle had a wonderful understanding of the flow of chi in our home and had many practical suggestions to get us started right away. Her insights have given us a sense of focus and we now know where to start making changes like letting go of unnecessary stuff. Thanks and God bless.  

R.W. Pancha Karma Tech, S.W. Carpenter

Michelle gave us so many good ideas and helped us rearrange things. We love the peaceful and inspiring feelings we now get from our living space.

A.C. Biologist, J.K. Filmographer

What I most appreciated about Michelle was her supportive approach, which allowed my own inspiration and creativity to come forth.

V.S., Counselor


Michelle Schaefer, CAS, former Clinical Ayurvedic Specialist on staff at the California College of Ayurveda (where she graduated in 1999), has been a Feng Shui consultant* since 1997 and continues to be a graphic and interior designer, writer, painter, martial artist, organizer, and permaculture gardener. She was born and raised on the CA Central Coast.

* Michelle trained in the form school of Feng Shui through the Black Hat Tantric Buddhist lineage with Helen and James Jay of Feng Shui Designs.


I’ll send you a questionnaire to help us focus our consultation (it is best if everyone in the home has input). After sending it back to me we will set an appointment that works with your schedule.

Consultation     $150 *  (1-3 hrs)

Additional time     $35 per 1/2 hr

Follow up     $65 *  (1.5 hrs)

*add .50 a mile  for out of the greater Lompoc area


I was referred to a client who had complaints of feeling lethargic and sleepy throughout the day. He was also experiencing breathing difficulties for which his physician was unable to find the cause. As his breathing issues worsened he found it hard to walk more than a few steps without feeling breathless. He was eventually advised to move out of the area.

After surveying this client’s home and talking with him I saw a direct correlation between his complaints, recent life changes, and the state of his home. I noticed that he lived in a small house with dark, heavy furniture, poor lighting, lots of plants, and general clutter.


He stated that his problems began when he moved from a larger house to this smaller one do to stressful life changes and at the same time his job began to require more of his energy. All of this left him with little ability focus on himself or his home. Soon the state of his home began to reflect this overwhelm and add to the weight of his troubles. Even when things settled down in his job, his emotional self as well as his home continued to reflect a deeper state of imbalance. He was also working hard to get back to his healthy diet but was too exhausted to eat much more than quick snacks.


We first worked to remedy his issues by rearranging furniture between rooms and bringing in smaller scale and lighter colored furnishings to create a feeling of spaciousness. Some plants were removed and plans to lighten the wall color were made. We cleared clutter and created a method of organization to prevent further clutter.   We also cleared and enhanced the areas that represented health in his home. We covered ways to integrate these changes in his lifestyle. We also discussed the importance of tuning into challenges within himself and his environment, before they overwhelmed him. In Ayurvedic terms, we cleared excess kapha and created ways to keep vata in balance.


All of this resulted in my client feeling less overwhelmed. His breathing difficulties cleared more and more over a process of multiple appointments (including clearing out and organizing his garage and emptying out his storage unit). After each consultation he would be able to walk further and further and within a few months his breathing difficulties cleared. He began to feel capable of ‘purposely’ shaping his environment rather than allowing it to be created through default.